
It's Tax Time...Get Ready Now
By DFJ Real Estate

1/06/2023 12:11pm

Being prepared could mean saving hundreds or even thousands of dollars in taxes.

To ensure you claim all your expenses and reduce your accountant's bill, take the time to be well-prepared with your paperwork.

To assist with your tax preparation, we have compiled a thought-provoking summary of expenses you can claim.
Accounting fees
Admin and stationary costs
Advertising for tenants
Agent fees and commission
Bank charges
Body corporate fees
Compliance inspections
Council rates
Electricity and gas
Gardening and lawn mowing
Insurance (building, contents, and public liability)
Interest on loans
Land tax
Legal expenses
Pest control
Quantity surveyor’s fees
Repairs and maintenance
Telephone and Internet
Water charges

Get ready now and take the time to review your statements and invoices.