Tenancy Application

Submit a tenancy application

Note: fields marked with a * are required to submit this form.

Before filling out this form, click here to generate an e-signature for yourself and your witness which you will need to save to your device for use in this form. If using a touch device, after creating a signature you can save it by pressing and holding on the image to open the save menu. Otherwise, just right click on the image and save it to your desktop for use in the form.


A. Rental Property Address

Preferred Lease Term

Preferred Commencement Date*

Number of other applicants to occupy the property (Please complete one application form per person to be listed on the lease)

Preferred Rental Payment Options


B. Personal Details

Identification (please attach photocopies of identification, see section H)


C. Emergency Contact

Please provide an emergency contact not residing with you


D. Applicant History

Current address


E. Previous Landlord / Agent Details

Previous address


F. Employment

Current Employer (Please attach 2 most recent payslips to this application, see section H)

Length of employment:

Annual net salary

If self employed

Previous employer

Length of employment:

Annual net salary


Please complete if student


G. References

Professional references

Personal references


H. Please Provide Us With Identification


I. Declaration

I acknowledge that this is an application to lease this property and that my application is subject to the owner’s approval and the availability of the premises on the due date. I hereby offer to rent the property from the owner under a lease to be prepared by the Agent pursuant to the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.

I acknowledge that I will be required to pay rental in advance and a rental bond, and that this application is subject to approval from the owner/landlord. I declare that all information contained in this application is true and correct and given of my own free will. I declare that I h ave inspected the premises and am not bankrupt.

I authorise the Agent to obtain details of my credit worthiness from, the owner or Agent of my current or previous residence, my personal referees, any record, listing and National Tenancy Database (NTD) which lists defaults by tenants. If I default under a rental agreement, the Agent may disclose details of any such default to any person whom the Agent reasonably considers has an interest receiving such information including National Tenancy Database (NTD).

If a landlord or estate agent finds details of a prospective tenant on a database, they must advise the tenant in writing, within seven days, of:

  • the name of the database and the person who listed the information
  • the tenant’s information held in the database
  • how the tenant can check, change or remove the listing (ie, by contacting the person who listed them or the database operator).

L. Tenancy Privacy Statement

Your application for tenancy cannot be accepted unless this has been completed in full and signed. Please take the time to read this Privacy Statement carefully, and once completed return it to this office with your Tenancy Application.

We collect your personal information to assess the risk in providing you with the lease/tenancy of the premises you have requested, and if the risk is considered acceptable, then we provide you with the lease/tenancy of the premises. To carry out this role, and during the term of your tenancy, we usually disclose your personal information to the following:

The landlord, the landlord’s lawyers – in the case of commercial leases for their preparation, the landlord’s mortgagee – for mortgage purposes, referees you have nominated, organisation/tradespeople required to carry out maintenance to the premises, rental bond authorities, Residential Tribunal/Courts, collection agencies, National Tenancies Database Pty Ltd, other Real Estate Agents and Landlords, utilities companies such as gas, electricity, water and telephone connection, banks – for rental payment facilities and financial records, employers – for reference purposes and to be included on our database.
