Why Do I Need Landlord Insurance DFJ Real Estate Property owners sometimes ask us why they need Landlord Protection Insurance when they have a ski...
Vacancy Periods | Minimising Potential Rental Loss DFJ Real Estate Forecasting the economy and investment market has been challenging and unpredictable for many nat...
Claiming Depreciation On Your Property DFJ Real Estate Are you taking full advantage of the tax benefits of owning an investment property? It's wort...
It's Tax Time...Get Ready Now DFJ Real Estate As a property investor, it is that time of year again to review your accounts and seek profession...
Unfair Requests | Contracting Outside The Act DFJ Real Estate Managing and renting investment properties can be a challenging experience, particularly during t...
Every Dollar Counts...Budgeting Tips DFJ Real Estate If you're looking for money-saving tips to help keep up with interest rate rises and the cost...
Managing Risk In Owning An Investment Property DFJ Real Estate Investing in property can be a profitable and rewarding venture but comes with risks. As with any...